Eva x Oliver – Feb. 15, 2014

The Parents

This breeding is from Meadowfrost’s Summer’s Evening (“Eva”) by Whispering Pines Achilles (“Oliver”). Eva was whelped 7-16-2009.  Oliver was whelped 8-12-2008. 

Birth Week

5 puppies arrived on February 15. 

Eva is a proud mom and the pups are looking quite healthy.  All puppies are yellow males.

All the pups weighed about a pound at birth, and they are definitely eager to nurse, with mom being a willing partner in that process. 

Week 2

Can you believe how much these guys have grown in a week?  They’ve definitely lost their “just born” physique and are filling out quite nicely.

Eyes and ears are still closed (look for that to change next week), and the vast amount of time is spent sleeping.  Lots of good movement, and when mom comes in they have NO problem finding her by scent and warmth.

Getting lots of visitors, and they are quite happy being snuggled.

Week 3

Eyes are coming open, and we’re making serious effort to walk.  Definitely getting the belly up off the ground, and strengthening those legs.  won’t be too long til those preliminary attempts to drag themselves  across the floor will turn in to scooting and then romping about.

Hearing will be happening almost any day.  And it won’t be too long til “Puppy!  Puppy” will evoke a charge in the direction of the voice.  Get your camera ready for the action.

Week 4

We are walking stronger now and have REAL choppers!  Mom has decided she is only going to feed us for about a minute, so we are now eating a wonderful cuisine of “mush”.  We like it (and WEAR it well, as you can see).  After we wolf down our vittles we usually sleep pretty soundly for at least an hour. 

All our eyes are open wide now, but that does not keep us from bouncing off the walls of our “puppy house”.  Our ears are just about to open and we do react to loud sounds — especially the dinner bell!

We’re all at or close to 3 pounds.  Some of us are barking but are not quite sure what that’s all about.  And we LOVE to bury our noses — or our whole head — in the crook of a puppy hugger’s arm.

BREAKING NEWS — word on the street is that we are something they wanna call “CUTE”!

Week 5

So here we are coming into our 5th week.  St Patrick’s Day, so we oughta all be wearin’ the green.

Eating is our favorite part of the day, followed by nuzzling, chasing one another around (we’re getting pretty good at speed) and sleeping.

Bulking up — we’re borrowing the strength and conditioning coach from a local football team — and playing with each other and toys — and stealing each other’s toys — and having them stolen back.  Our shark teeth are getting pretty serious, so munching on muzzles, tails and ears result in YELPS.

New favorite pasttime:  licking one another clean after a meal (it’s a LOT more fun if you WEAR it for a while!).  And — we say with all modesty — we do a REALLY great job of that.

Week 6

We’re growing … and growing … and growing … and …!  And in just a few weeks we’ll be moving out into the world of loving humans.  My how the time flies.

In the meantime we’re speeding along in a blur (just look at how tough it is to get a picture of us tussling).  And we’re taking cute lessons, to make sure we live up to our reputation.  Puppy huggers everywhere.  And word on the street is that some of us already have homes (we’ll find out shortly who goes where) while a few are still available.  So, if you’re holding back about putting in an application, don’t wait, or it might be too late!

Week 7

So it’s come to this!  Here we are all duded-up for the prom.  Now all we need is a date.

SOME of us already have dates, but we’re wondering if YOU are available?  Here’s how you can make a date:  Go to our R.S.V.P. page (otherwise know as the Puppy Application), answer the questions, and you’re on your way.  Looking forward to hearing from you.